Monday, January 19, 2009

4.1.5 DataSource Implementations

The DataSource interface may be implemented to provide three different kinds of connections. As a result of DataSource objects working with a JNDI service provider, all connections produced by a DataSource object offer the advantages of portability and easy maintenance, which are explained later in this chapter. Implementations of DataSource that work with implementations of the more specialized ConnectionPoolDataSource and XADataSource interfaces produce connections that are pooled or that can be used in distributed transactions. The following list summarizes the three general categories of classes that implement the DataSource interface:

6. Basic DataSource class

• provided by: driver vendor
• advantages: portability, easy maintenance

7. DataSource class implemented to provide connection pooling

• provided by: application server vendor or driver vendor
• works with: a ConnectionPoolDataSource class, which is always provided by a driver vendor
• advantages: portability, easy maintenance; increased performance

8. DataSource class implemented to provide distributed transactions

• provided by: application server vendor such as an EJB server vendor
• works with: an XADataSource class, which is always provided by a driver vendor
• advantages: portability, easy maintenance; ability to participate in distributed transactions
Note that a DataSource implementation that supports distributed transactions is almost always implemented to support connection pooling as well.

An instance of a class that implements the DataSource interface represents one particular data source. Every connection produced by that instance will reference the same data source. In a basic DataSource implementation, a call to the method DataSource.getConnection returns a Connection object that, like the Connection object returned by the DriverManager facility, is a physical connection to the data source. Appendix A of the specification for the JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API (available at gives a sample implementation of a basic DataSource class.

DataSource objects that implement connection pooling likewise produce a connection to the particular data source that the DataSource class represents. The Connection object that the method DataSource.getConnection returns, however, is a handle to a PooledConnection object rather than being a physical connection. An application uses the Connection object just as it usually does and is generally unaware that it is in any way different. Connection pooling has no effect whatever on application code except that a pooled connection, as is true with all connections, should always be explicitly closed. When an application closes a connection that is pooled, the connection joins a pool of reusable connections. The next time DataSource.getConnection is called, a handle to one of these pooled connections will be returned if one is available. Because connection pooling avoids creating a new physical connection every time one is requested, it can help to make applications run significantly faster. Connection pooling is generally used, for example, by a web server that supports servlets and JavaServerTM Pages.

A DataSource class can likewise be implemented to work with a distributed transaction environment. An EJB server, for example, supports distributed transactions and requires a DataSource class that is implemented to interact with it. In this case, the DataSource.getConnection method returns a Connection object that can be used in a distributed transaction. As a rule, EJB servers provide a DataSource class that supports connection pooling as well as distributed transactions. Like connection pooling, transaction management is handled internally, so using distributed transactions is easy. The only requirement is that when a transaction is distributed (involves two or more data sources), the application cannot call the methods commit or rollback. It also cannot put the connection in auto-commit mode. The reason for these restrictions is that a transaction manager begins and ends a distributed transaction under the covers, so an application cannot do anything that would affect when a transaction begins or ends.