Thursday, February 5, 2009


Viruses are unwanted programs that spread from computer to computer, much the way real viruses do in
humans and animals. They are sometimes very dangerous and can in fact wipe out your entire hard disk
if you are unlucky--and if you don't protect yourself. Taking steps to protect your computer from viruses
is an essential part of any data problem prevention routine.
What is a virus? A computer virus is a program that attaches to other pieces of code, so that when the
user tries to run the original they also unintentionally run the virus code as well; the virus code is
designed to replicate itself and "infect" other programs, possibly in a modified form, and may also
exhibit other behavior as well. So, in order to be a virus, the program must have the ability to do all of
the following:
• Run without the user wanting it to and/or create effects that the programmer wants but that the
user did not want or request.
• Have the ability to "infect" or modify other files or disk structures.
• Replicate itself so it can spread to other files or systems.
Note one thing that is not on this list: a virus does not necessarily have to trash your hard drive or exhibit
other malicious behavior, in order to be a virus. While many viruses do damage files and disk structures,
many are just nuisances or exhibit "prank" behavior such as playing music on the PC speaker or putting
funny phrases on the screen when the system is booted. However, the risk of damage from viruses is
substantial. Many can cause serious data loss; sometimes the virus writer doesn't even intend some of
the effects that the virus produces (viruses can have bugs!). Damage can also occur from program files
being altered when the virus infects them. Often it is not possible to repair the damage, even when the
virus is removed.
There are many different types of viruses. In addition to the classical virus, there are other virus-like
programs that are similar to viruses in terms of how they work and what they do, but differ from them in
one or more respect:
• Worms: A worm is a program that is self-contained and when run, has the ability to spread itself to other systems.
In essence, a worm is a virus that doesn't infect other programs. Instead, it acts independently, seeking to spread to
other computers connected to its current host. They tend to spread over network connections. They can have other
undesirable effects when run.
Note: The acronym "WORM" is also used as a short form for "write once, read many", a storage technology that is
used by devices such as CD-R drives. The concepts are totally unrelated.
• Trojan Horses: A trojan horse is any program that, once run, does something that the user doesn't want or request.
The program doesn't necessarily infect other files or spread to other systems. It is the generic term to refer to any
software that is intentionally coded to do something other than what it is supposed to. Some people think of viruses
as a special form of trojan horse: one that can infect other files (thus turning them into trojan horses) and duplicate
itself. Trojan horses are sometimes just called "trojans" for short.
• Bugs: A bug is an error in a program. It is included here even though it really isn't in the same class as viruses and
trojans, because it is similar to a trojan horse in that it causes behavior other than what the user wanted. The
difference of course is that with a bug, the aberrant behavior is unintentional! With a trojan horse the author is doing
it on purpose.
• Droppers: A dropper is a program designed to install or deliver a virus or trojan horse onto a target system. The
dropper is specially designed to avoid detection by standard virus detection programs, because the virus is specially
encrypted so that the dropper itself doesn't appear to the virus scanners like a regular infected program file would. In
some ways, a dropper is like a "virus egg", waiting to be hatched. They are uncommon.
• Virus Impostors (Joke Programs): Some oh-so-clever programmers have devised cute programs that mimic the
effects of true viruses when they are run but are not considered viruses themselves, or even trojan horses, because
here the user of the file knows that the program is going to do something strange. These are often installed by
someone as a practical joke on his/her coworkers or friends for a good laugh.