Thursday, February 5, 2009

. You can't access your printer - does the fault lie in the computer or the printer or the cable in between?

• Is the printer shared?
􀂾 YES – be certain that the computer sharing the printer is turned on before the others in
the room. Example: The computer that the printer is connected to is being shared by the
other computers for printing purposes and must be on for printing to be successful.
􀂾 NO – then
• Are you trying to print to the default printer?
􀂾 YES-see next bullet.
􀂾 NO-select the print option from the File menu, change the printer by clicking on the dropdown
arrow by the printer “name” box and select the desired printer from the list.
• Does a different cable (preferably one known to work elsewhere) fix the problem?
􀂾 YES - your original cable was faulty or not connected properly.
􀂾 NO - then...
• Does the printer work with a different computer?
􀂾 YES - the problem is probably within the computer—see (a) below.
􀂾 NO - the problem is probably within the printer—see (b) below.
a) If the problem seems to be within the computer:
• Is the problem confined to just one application?
􀂾 YES - the problem is with the installation/configuration of that particular program.
􀂾 NO - then.
• Uninstall the printer and reinstall.
b) If the problem seems to be with the printer:
• Most manufacturers include a troubleshooting diagnostic program with their printers.
Run this program to determine if the printer is functioning properly.
• Does it print its internal test page?
􀂾 YES - there may be a fault with the printer's communication port.
􀂾 NO - the printer may have its paper/ink/toner incorrectly inserted or may have more
serious internal problems.
􀂃 Remove and reinsert/replace the ink cartridge(s). Be careful not to touch the
metal foil contacts on the cartridge(s) while handling.
􀂃 Remove the paper from the feed tray and reinsert it.
􀂃 Turn the printer off, wait about 30 seconds, and turn it back on.
􀂃 Restart the computer (make sure you have saved the document you are trying
to print before restarting) and try printing again.